Alterhuman Resources!
Alterhuman resources and links of all kinds. Current sections in order are informational resources, social groups (forums, subreddits, etc), positive + fun links, creative/art resources + artistic archives and personal blogs/websites.
[✨] next to a link means it was made by us.
[❗] next to a link means that there may be something we would like to specify about the link. It will be included in the square brackets after the description.
DISCLAIMER: We may not personally agree with all of the individual views of those who wrote each of these links, especially when it comes to topics unrelated to alterhumanity. We don't scour through people's personal lives to find out their stances on every topic. To the best of our ability we have excluded genuinely harmful resources from this list--things that go beyond your average friend group drama. If we have missed something major, you are free to let us know if you are concerned.
- Alt+H - "Alt+H is an organization dedicated to increasing awareness and acceptance of alterhuman people."--A nonprofit with the goal of fairly representing alterhumans as well as bringing light to issues they face and providing resources to the communtiy.
- [✨] Terrorpunk Carrd - "A term/subculture surrounding the acceptance and embracing of the irrational fear others feel surrounding your identity/identities, and rejection of the notion that difference is something to be feared." Very alterhuman inclusive by design.
- The Alterhuman Archive - "The Alterhuman Archive is an ever-expanding collection of nonhuman and alterhuman-related information, writings, and creations, meant to function as a community resource and memory bank."
- [✨] The Alterhuman Carrd - "This carrd is meant to be an informational resource for people who want to learn about alterhumanity and all the different subsections of it, as well as information for alterhumans themselves who want to learn more."
- Beyond Humanity - "This site was created as a resource for those curious about alterhumans and/or those questioning an alterhuman identity, to dispel misconceptions, and to provide an online space for my writings."--Includes a very helpful glossary of terms and FAQ.
Independant Sites:
- Fact-Anonymous"Fact-Anonymous is a positivity, essay, confession, and art blog by and for factives/factual introjects, fait-/fuck-tives, fogtives, factlinks, factkin, fogkin, faitkin, facthearted/kith, fact-beings, fact-alterhumans, and other fact-types."
On Tumblr:
- Othercon - "Othercon is the first ever annual 3-day virtual convention for members of the Otherkin, Therian, and general Alterhuman/Nonhuman community."--The YouTube channel for the annual convention, Othercon. Panels are recorded and uploaded here for later viewing.
On YouTube:
- [✨] [❗][Cohost]
Alterhuman Alliance - A Cohost page for alterhumanity resources, positivity, awareness and experiences.
[❗ Cohost is down, this is only available as an archive.]
On Other Sites:
- Otherkin Wiki - "This site is about otherkin, a subculture of people who consider themselves something other than human. It contains information about the culture, experiences and history of our communities and the people in them. Here, we strive for these two things: reliable research based on quality sources, and respect for the variety and subjectivity of otherkin and alterhuman experiences."
- AMA Factkin - "I made this blog to try and help others understand the factkin community! There are no stupid questions. Ask me anything!"
On Tumblr:
- [❗][Cohost]
Otherhearted - A blog for otherhearted people to submit culture-is style posts, and ask questions or share experiences.
[❗ Cohost is down, this is only available as an archive.]
On Other Sites:
- Healthy Multiplicity - An older site including many, many resources for plurals.
- More Than One - A good, easily understandable introduction to plurality and related concepts.
- [❗] Plural Deep Dive - A work in progress site geared toward documenting the history of the plural community.
[❗Documents large quantities of syscourse, which we have not read through in its entirety. Take with a grain of salt.] - Power to the Plurals - "A free resource website by The Plural Association Nonprofit. For Dissociative Identity Disorder & all other forms of Multiplicity under the Plural umbrella."
- [❗] - "Welcome to a repository of information on the tulpamancy community, tulpamancy basics, and tulpa creation, with discussions and a blog by contributors on the various aspects of tulpamancy."
[❗An older website with possibly outdated information. It is no longer being updated.]
Independant Sites:
- [❗]
Pluralpedia - A wiki with an extensive list of terms related to plurality and all aspects of it.
[❗As this is a publicly editable wiki, there is the possibility of griefing, edits without proper resources, and there are many terms on it that are not in use.]
Informational alterhuman resources of all kinds. More focused on learning about alterhumanity than guides to certain experiences.
- [✨] Alterhuman Questions - A list of questions designed to help prompt an individual with introspection in regards to their own identity.
General Guides:
- Alterhuman/AHPI Coining Post [Archive] - The coining post for "alterhuman", 2014.
- Alterhumisia and Nonhumisia Coining Post [Archive] - Terms coined to define the discrimination and/or hatred of alterhumans and nonhumans respectively. 2021.
- Alternormal Coining Post [Archive] - A term to denote experiences that are normal to alterhumans. 2016.
- Exotrauma Coining Post [Archive] - A term for trauma experienced not within this world. Coined with plurals in mind, but has been used elsewhere, hence its place in this category. OP deleted, oldest reblog from 2017.
- Othervague Coining Post [Archive] - A term to denote alterhuman identity that is vague/unclear, or a rejection of the boundaries between pre-existing terms (like otherkin, otherlink, etc). 2021.
- [✨] Terrorpunk Coining Post [Archive] - The coining post for "terrorpunk", a punk subcultre centred around reclaiming the fear around stigmatised parts of your identity. 2023.
Coining Posts/Terms:
- [✨] Signs of Being Otherkin - A list of experiences that might point to an individual being otherkin.
General Guides:
- Beastpunk Coining Post [Archive] - The coining post for beastpunk, a punk subculture centred around being unbashedly animal. 2022.
- Fictherian Coining Post [Archive] - A term used to describe the animality that comes with "therian", but of a fictional source. 2021.
- Noema Coining Post [Archive] | Source 2 [Source 2 Archive] - A term to describe inherent knowledge about your kintypes. 2021.
Coining Posts/Terms:
- [✨] So, You're New Here? - A guide to headmates new to this world, geared toward those with spiritual origins such as walk-ins.
General Guides:
- Extranthrope/Extranth Coining Post [Archive] - A term for nonhuman system members who prefer not to use otherkin terminology for their experiences. 2018.
- Fictive History [Archive] - A post on the history of the fictive term.
- [✨] Intra-Disordered Coining Post [Archive] - A term for systemmembers who present with disorders the body is not diagnosed with or does not have. 2024.
Coining Posts/Terms:
- [✨] Interstellar's Soulbonding Guide - A guide to our soulbonding method for permanent resident soulbonds and reverse-soulbonding.
- Lighthouse - "Lighthouse is a safe and supportive space for systems to explore their thoughts and feelings, identify their different alters, and develop healthy and positive communication internally."
- Plural Chat - A local-only messenger site to chat with your own headmates. Good for internal system communication.
Independant Websites:
Individual guides, essays, origins of terms, informational posts, practical websites, and similar things related to alterhumanity.
- Othercon - "Othercon is the first ever annual 3-day virtual convention for members of the Otherkin, Therian, and general Alterhuman/Nonhuman community. The purpose of this convention is to provide a space where people within (and outside) of the community can come together to socialize, educate, and entertain for a fun-filled weekend!"
- Nonhuman National Park - "The Nonhuman National Park is a forum oriented towards nonhumans, alterhumans, and plurals. The Park is hoping to establish itself as a community hub and resource center focused on strengthening bridges between various communities and individuals, helping tear down faction-based mindsets, and promoting new growth and ideas. Where there are walls, we build doors; where there are fences, we build gates; where there are boundaries, we build intersections."
- r/Alterhuman - "A place for people who consider themselves alterhuman - who identify as something other than human, or with an alternative human experience."
On Reddit:
- [Dreamwidth] Fictionkind - "Welcome to Fictionkind. Despite the name, everyone with a fictional source belongs here. Fictives, soulbonds, 'flickers - you name it, we want you. This community is meant to serve as a gathering place for more serious discussion between all of us. An important note is that this is a community by and primarily for adults. While minors are certainly welcome, you are expected to curate your own content and be respectful--we will not bend over backwards to ensure that you could not possibly access something that you shouldn't be seeing."
On Other Sites:
- r/Otherkin - A Reddit community for otherkin.
- r/Plantkin - "Hello and welcome to r/Plantkin! This sub is welcome to mainly Plantkin organisms! Though of course other alterhuman supporters are welcome here too!"
- r/Therian - "A friendly community for therians, otherkin, allies, and anyone else who wants to learn more about the subject of therianthropy and therians themselves."
On Reddit:
- r/Fictionlink - A subreddit for fictionlinkers.
- r/Otherlinkers - "A place for fellow otherlinkers to post experiences and discuss with the community!"
On Reddit:
- r/Otherhearted - "This is the subbreddit for other/animal hearted or kiths. We welcome all!"
On Reddit:
- r/Daemians - "Welcome to the daemonism reddit! This is a place for daemians - that is, people who practice daemonism - to hang out and discuss our relationships with our daemons and daemonism more generally."
- [❗] r/DID - "A solace for those navigating Dissociative Disorders, along with those supporting friends and family with Dissociative Pathology."
[❗Subreddit is against other forms of plurality, including endogenics.] - r/Endogenics - "This is a place for all endogenic systems (those who share brain space with other individuals in a non-traumagenic manner), as well as parogenic/tulpamancy systems, soulbonds and gateway systems to congregate."
- r/Plural - "A subreddit for all who fall under the plurality umbrella and those interested in learning about plurality, and want to live a healthy, plural life. Whether you've got DID/OSDD, are a natural, have tulpas or soulbonds, or any combination of others in your head, you're welcome here."
- r/PluralSystems - "Welcome! A subreddit for plural systems of any type. Dedicated to helping systems maintain or form a healthy lifestyle."
- r/SoulBonding - "We are a community of soulbonds, soulbonders, and anyone who's curious about the subject. Ask questions, give advice, talk about your experience, and more!"
- r/Tulpas - "Ever wondered what it would be like to have a mental companion who can think and act on their own? That's what a tulpa is. Discuss tulpas, share your experience with having tulpas, and give advice to fellow tulpa creators here!"
On Reddit:
Forums/subreddits/groups/other communities for alterhumans to interact with each other.
- [✨] Alterhuman-Culture-Is - "Welcome to Alterhuman Culture Is! We’re an ask/submission blog for alterhumans. How this blog works is that you send in an ask or submission starting with “alterhuman culture is” or something similar relating to it, such as “otherkin culture is” or “vampire culture is” and then we post it! We’re essentially a blog for alterhuman moods."
- [✨] Alterhuman-Positivity - "This blog was created to spread positivity to all branches of the alterhuman community."
On Tumblr:
- [✨] Alterhuman-Positivity - "This blog was created to spread positivity to all branches of the alterhuman community."
On Twitter/X:
- Funnier-As-A-Nonhuman - A blog where people submit posts that just give off nonhuman vibes even if the original post wasn't intended to be taken in that context.
- Nonhumanpositivity - A blog for creating positivity surrounding nonhuman identities.
- Theriancultureis - "Another culture is blog for therians!"
On Tumblr:
- Otherhearted-Culture-Is - "This blog was inspired by the many other “(blank)-culture-is” blogs. Please start submissions with “otherhearted culture is”! You can adjust this to say things like “birdhearted culture is”, “gay otherhearted culture is”, etc., but keep the basic format intact."
On Tumblr:
- r/Plural_IRL - "Memes by and for systems, especially ones that don't fit in r/DIDMemes."
On Reddit:
- Funnierasafictive - "Welcome to the blog! Just a little corner for us to reblog posts that would hit different as a fictive. It doesn’t mean we’ll be reblogging random fanart, this is about general posts people make, that might make you go “jokes on you I AM that character” or “This already happens since they live in my brain”!"
- Funnier-As-A-Fictive - Similar to the above blog, run by other people.
- Funnier-As-A-System - "Have you ever seen a post or been in a certain situation and thought, "This is funnier seeing it as a system?" We have too! And that's why we've put together this blog, meant for talking about experiences and reblogging posts that aren't necessarily about plurality, but that have the effect of an inside joke when thought about in relation to plurality."
- [✨] Disordered-System-Culture-Is - A blog for disordered systems to share relatable experiences regardless of origin.
- Positively-Plural - "A safe space for all plurals, systems and non-singlets! ran by an adult DID plural."
- Plural-Culture-Is - A blog where people submit asks that are relatable to plurals.
On Tumblr:
Links for more general alterhuman content, usually less based around information and more based around fun gimmicks, positivity and experience sharing.
- Alterhuman Art - "Archive of alterhuman and nonhuman created artwork that is related to their alterhumanity/nonhumanity."
- Alterhumanmusic - "Welcome to Alterhuman Music! Here I aim to share and archive music made by/for alterhumans. To suggest an artist or song, please send me an ask."
On Tumblr:
- Shenani-Kins - "Shenani-kins is an internet comic strip about the wonderful weirdness of nonhuman shenanigans in a human world. Made with otherkin, therian, and alterhuman experiences in mind, Shenani-kins hopes to put forward awareness and familiarity of nonhuman communities in a more lighthearted, fun way."
- Theri-There - "Rated G. Otherkin are real people who identify as nonhuman. They say "I'm an elf," and they don't mean a role-playing character. Started in 2005."
Links for alterhuman related creativity and anything relating to it.
- The Chimeras Library - "Greetings. Welcome to The Chimeras Library. We are a mixed-origin multiple system of nonhumans that go by the collective name of House of Chimeras. This place is our library. Here you will find our collection of our writings and other materials we have created and curated over the years."
- Sparks System - "We're the Sparks system, a quoigenic system of 400+ people."
- Three Dragons And A Dog - "This is the personal website of the Sol System, a group of five non-humans who are currently existing simultaneously in a single human body. This website is meant to function as a dumping ground for our writings on our experiences and opinions regarding alterhumanity, multiplicity, and more."
Independant Sites:
- Indornaga
- [✨] Interstellarsystem
- Liongoatsnake
- Sparks System
- [✨] Terrorpunk
- Who-Is-Page
On Tumblr:
- Frameacloud - "About this site: I like to write nonfiction from research, make illustrations, and draw comics. This site is where I put all of this stuff that I make. One of my biggest nonfiction research projects was when I wrote a history book about the otherkin subculture."
Independant Sites:
- A-Dragons-Journal
- Aestherians
- Frameacloud
On Tumblr:
Personal websites/blogs related to alterhumanity.