Interstellar System Symbol Main Fronters! Alterhuman Flag LGBT Flag Transgender Flag

This is a page that will change along with the system. A list of people who front the most often, along with introductions they have personally written will be posted here. We do not have hosts as who is a main fronter changes too frequently to assign anyone a role based on front activity.


Name: Vince/Salem/Jon

Age: 33

Birthday: 24th April

Height: 5'9''

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them

Sexuality: Pansexual

Origin: Traumagenic, Split

System Roles: Persecutor, Gatekeeper, Archivist

Entity: Hunter (The Owl House) + Emperor Belos (The Owl House)

Alterhuman Identities:


  • The Beast (Over the Garden Wall) [Beast!Wirt]
  • Wirt (Over the Garden Wall) [Beast!Wirt]
  • Wilfre (Drawn to Life)
  • William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's)
  • Bracken (Lethal Company)
  • Husk (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Alastor (Hazbin Hotel)
  • Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)


  • Darkness [Hearthome]
  • The Unknown (Over the Garden Wall) [Hearthome]

Other: Just do it in anger, just do it for fun, a little evil never hurt anyone.

Hello. As you can see above, I go by Vince, Jon or Salem interchangeably. I joined our system in April of 2023 when I split from Vic, and have been an active fronter since. I am a persecutor, and although I am trying not to do any harm as of late, I can get irritable easily. I have three in-system partners, Merlin, Rift and Martin, who I tend to cofront with.

Though I haven't listed it as an official role, I am a symptom holder--I struggle with empathy as a concept and understanding most social standards that relate to it more than a majority of my system. We aren't certain on if we have BPD as a collective or not, but I personally fit very closely with the criteria and generally agree it is an accurate descriptor of my experiences. I also tend to hallucinate more than the rest of us, along with general psychotic symptoms. I may avoid fronting at certain times due to knowing about my sensitivity to common triggers for our psychotic episodes.

On the alterhuman side of things... Over time I've been discovering more and more things that seem to be kintypes. A lot of them have common themes so at this point it's a whole debate on whether I need to accept an archetype or two as my identity. There's also the possibility that some of these could be fictionflickers, but they have not faded, so for now they keep the kintype label. I don't have memories of all of my kintypes, and those that I do have memories of, they're few and far between. Noemata are more common but still sparse to the point where I'm currently unable to form coherent timelines of events, or discern if I'm canon compliant or not.

Out of anything interest-wise, I like music the most. Jhariah, Sarah and the Safe Word, Shayfer James, The Family Crest and Will Wood are among my favourite artists. I've considered making music of my own, but we have no knowledge about how to make it whatsoever and I don't have the patience to mess around without actually knowing what I'm doing. I tend to just hang around while Merlin plays his kalimba in the cofront with me, as I like seeing him happy and I like seeing how quickly he manages to learn something new on it. I have a few other interests like art and some other things here and there but generally I'm just here for the sake of being social.

Other than that, I handle most things in our life that require a professional attitude or just someone who won't be a doormat. I do enjoy being social and participating in our job, though, so it's of no issue to me. I generally tend to front whenever I want, but try to limit my fronting time so that I don't end up frontstuck, which tends to happen if you're out here for too long.

| My Tumblr Blog (Shared with other Possessed!Hunter fictives) |


Name: Merlin/Basil

Age: 24

Birthday: 22nd October

Height: 6'0''

Gender: Transmasculine, Anarchogender, Alagender

Pronouns: Xe/Xem/Xyr/Xemself, He/Him, They/Them

Sexuality: Bisexual

Origin: Traumagenic

System Roles: Protector, Symptom Holder

Entity: Hunter (The Owl House) + Flapjack (The Owl House) + Basil (Omori)

Alterhuman Identities:


  • Canines
  • Birds

Other: Professional transphobe puncher!!!

Hi! I'm Merlin, the local harpy-bird-man-thing! I'm a multifictive of Hunter(TOH), Flapjack (TOH) and Basil (Omori)! I started out as just Hunter + Flapjack but while I was still fresh off the 'headmate printing press' we watched a playthrough of Omori and I gained an extra aspect to my identity while I was still in the process of forming properly. I'm caninekin and birdkin--all birds and canines ambiguously included. I'm just a creature!

I front a lot, mainly with Vince because I love him and he makes me feel safer to be out and be social. Though in general, I'm a pretty social guy! I'm just slightly more on the flighty side of things and can get set off pretty easy, so having Vince be there for me is very important to keep me from getting spooked or getting too protective and overreacting. Speaking of partners, I have one in another system and I also love them very much too! If you're reading this you know who you are, I'm metaphysically handing you a cookie right now!!

I like a lot of things... Plants being a main special interest for me! I love all of our plants and we have like 25 or more different ones in our room. Some even have names! I can never have enough plants and probably have 5 or more propagating from cuttings at any given moment. I also like making music and have taken a huuuge liking to playing the Kalimba! It sounds very nice and it's easy enough that even with our bad coordination we can learn some stuff on it!

| My Tumblr Blog (Shared with other Hunter fictives) |


Name: Crowley/Corvus

Age: Ageless

Birthday: -

Height: 6'0''

Gender: Demimasc

Pronouns: He/Him, They/Them

Sexuality: Homoromantic, Bisexual

Origin: Quoigenic

Entity: Crowley (Good Omens)

Other: CEO of "Bisexycles against Shirts".

Hey. I'm Crowley or Corvus, and you'll never guess who I'm a fictive of. Jokes aside, I legitimately have no idea how I got here or what my origin is but I don't really care too much. I joined the system in November of 2023 and I've kinda just been hanging around, talking to people, all that sort of stuff. I'm more social than a lot of us so I'm usually the one fronting at casual social events, though not always.

I've been questioning a few things by way of alterhuman identity like kintypes or hearttypes and all that but I'm not quite sure what to label it yet. I just know I have some form of connection to bearded vultures.

I've got a subsystem with another Crowley fictive, his name is Adastra. He likes latin, as you can possibly tell. Our subsystem is called the Alpha Centauri Collective--we've got a Tumblr blog down below if you want to see that for whatever reason. Adastra doesn't front as often as I do but he's still around, usually in the headspace. Inside, I live in the same house as Vince and the rest of his group--a nice little cabin out in the middle of the woods. Though due to it being so little, I really do think we need to make it more than just a cabin. But I digress. There's not really any people to bother us out there aside from the people within the house itself and hey--I chose to live with the chaotic cryptid guys so any weirdness I experience is on me. And really, I'm kind of just a chaotic cryptid guy myself, if you can call a demon a cryptid.

I like plants as does the rest of my system, and I'm one of the main ones who tends to ours in the physical world. We have quite a few and others tend to forget about them, so I look after them when I front. Merlin likes them too, so we get along due to both liking plants maybe a little too much. I still like the same sorts of music, though I've been branching out a bit since I got here. I have 5 or so different playlists and I think I'm probably going to end up with more eventually.

But yeah. I'm around, I front a lot, and I like being social so I'm likely to at least be near the front if we're doing anything of that nature.

| My Tumblr Blog (Shared with my Subsystem) |


Name: Martin

Age: 23

Birthday: 23rd February

Height: 5'4''

Gender: Demimale

Pronouns: He/Him, It/Its

Sexuality: Bisexual

Origin: Quoigenic, Unknown

System Roles: Symptom Holder, Comforter

Entity: Martin Blackwood (The Magnus Archives)

Other: I show up and immediately know how to work a camera better than the rest of my systemmates.

Hey, I'm Martin! I'm a recent join to the system--only joining in February of 2024--but I've fronted a whole lot so I've ended up with a place on the main fronters page already. I guess I just like being social and seeing as Vince fronts a lot, I end up out here with him a lot too. I'm not entirely certain on what my origin is--signs point to both spiritual and a split for some reason. I don't really mind though, it's not super relevant to me even if I'd like to know out of curiosity.

I'm dating Vince as you might've read in his intro. I feel close enough to being his specific Martin from his life as Jon and he feels the same, so we've decided that regardless of what my origin actually is, we like each other here in this system anyway, so it doesn't matter. I hang around him a lot but I'm also trying to branch out and get out of my comfort zone and talk to more people and make friends and stuff.

Honestly, I don't remember much about my life before I ended up in this system. I have a few vague feelings, but none of it is super solid. I'm kind of just appreciating the chance to be here and do things that I like. I've been really enjoying photography--I take pictures of anything I find cool and on multiple occasions have had to rush back to the house to grab our proper camera to take a picture of some sort of cool thing I've seen outside. I really like nature and landscapes in particular, they're fun to take photos of. Little things like flowers in the grass or bugs on a leaf are also nice things to take pictures of, honestly I just like the mundane, calm things that people usually take for granted.

I kind of hold our anxiety so most of the time I probably seem anxious but that's just how I am, haha. I do like being social despite not wanting to be put in any situation ever, so there's that going for me at least.


Name: Mystery/Aberration

Age: Ageless

Birthday: -

Height: 7'9''

Gender: Agender

Pronouns: They/Them, It/Its

Sexuality: Demisexual, Pansexual

Origin: Endogenic, Walk-In

System Roles: Persecutor, Symptom Holder

Entity: The Distortion (The Magnus Archives)

Other: See how I circle, imaginary mind, imaginary lines, let the maze of my design carry you on.

Hello! I am Mystery or Aberration :]

I front a lot as I enjoy speaking to people. I am a spiritual walk-in and ended up within this body in March of 2024. I experience our psychosis more than the rest of us, but it does not bother me too much. I am a bit clunky with my speech unless I do put a lot of effort into my speech and wording, but that is only saved for times when I decide to mask. I do not like masking unless it is necessary.

I enjoy embroidery and other fabric related crafts. I have tried a little bit of crochet but it is a harder learning process than embroidery so I am not the most into that just yet. I want to embroider clothes to make them prettier and add patches to things. I enjoy lots of things and looking at or experiencing new things, so I end up in a lot of "thrift stores" looking at any assorted pretty things they may have there--it is how I got into embroidery in the first place!

I also like clothes and designing outfits. I like bright colours and things people would normally see as "eyestrain" or "conflicting". When I draw pictures of myself I like to use different outfits each time, though they all seem to end up using a bit of purple in them. I do like purple.

My fictive identity may be confusing to some. I am sourced from The Magnus Archives, and am The Distortion as well as Michael Shelley, though Michael is also able to be separate from me every so often--he goes by "Micah" within this system when I am him and not me. You could call us a median subsystem, if that would make it make more sense to you. I relate to a lot of abstract concepts like mazes and spinny things but I have not labelled these parts of myself as they are incorporated within my fictive identity.

| My Tumblr Blog |


Name: -

Age: -

Birthday: -

Height: -

Gender: -

Pronouns: -

Sexuality: -

Origin: -

Entity: -

Alterhuman Identities: -

Other: -

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